Monthly Training Programs
Monthly training programs can be beneficial for individuals seeking structured fitness routines without the need for personalized, one-on-one guidance. Those who have a good understanding of basic exercise principles, proper form, and their own fitness goals can find value in pre-programmed workouts. This approach is suitable for self-motivated individuals who prefer flexibility in when and where they exercise, people who appreciate the convenience of following a set plan without the need for constant adjustments or real-time feedback, and can seamlessly integrate pre-programmed workouts into their routine.
How to Pick the Right Program
Your age and experience with resistance training will determine which level will work best for you. The beginner, Intermediate, and Advance programs require a gym membership. The 11 & Under and At-Home training programs are to be done at-home, and will require some basic equipment (bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, step, etc.).
11 & Under Program: Ideal for ages 11 & under wanting an at-home workout. Individual must have a basic understanding of proper form and execution of basic exercises.
At-Home Program: Ideal for ages 12+ wanting an at-home workout. Individual must have a basic understanding of proper form and execution of basic exercises.
Beginner Program: Ideal for ages 12+ looking to dive into gym workouts. This program is for individuals with less than 6 months of consistent resistance training experience.
Intermediate Program: Ideal for ages 12+ looking to elevate their workouts at the gym. This program is for individuals with about 1-2 years of consistent resistance training experience.
Advance Program: Ideal for ages 12+ with a strong fitness foundation looking to push their limits and excel in challenging workouts. This program is for individuals with about 2+ years of consistent resistance training.

4 Week Training Program
11 & Under
$39.99 USD

4 Week Training Program
$39.99 USD

4 Week Training Program
$39.99 USD

4 Week Training Program Intermediate
$39.99 USD